EcoInternet will lead the way to ecological sustainability

EcoInternet will lead the way to ecological sustainability

EcoInternet leads the way to ecological sustainability

EcoInternet’s first hard-hitting alerts on our new Earth action platform – which we seek your support to finish building (it’s almost done) – will target Norway for funding industrial logging in the Congo, and India’s Adani coal mine in Australia.

2017 Mid-Year Funding Appeal to raise $5,000 for deep ecology science and advocacy from Dr. Glen Barry, EcoInternet.
Give now at (upper right sidebar)

July 4, 2017

“EcoInternet has felt called to resist authoritarian demagoguery and biosphere collapse by 24/7 broadcasting a constant flow of real climate and environmental science including at… And after decades of pioneering the use of the Internet for ecological conservation, much more is to come… Perhaps there are stores of resiliency in the Earth System that are leading to long lag times before biosphere collapse is imminent and unavoidable. We must continue to build an ecology ethic until the very end.” – Dr. Glen Barry, President, EcoInternet

Dear Earth lovers,

EcoInternet’s work – bearing witness to ecological science 24/7 on social media, writing profound essays that call for a global ecology ethic, successfully taking action to protect ecosystems (most recently helping stop natural gas storage in upstate New York), and innovating in the use of the Internet to sustain the global biosphere – continues apace.

Over the past year EcoInternet has been updating its technology and retooling its award-winning web sites. EcoInternet – since 1989 the original and pioneering Internet based environmental advocacy group with an ecological science based approach – is poised shortly to re-launch new and improved action alert and search engine capabilities; and is actively developing ground-breaking new sustainable agriculture and climate change web applications.

For almost 20 years EcoInternet has been user supported. And our small non-profit NGO – as well as our shared Earth – need your continued support for deep ecology awareness-building and advocacy. Please donate what you can to our modest efforts now on the donate button at:

Already EcoInternet has launched a ground-breaking data science and big data based climate and environmental news aggregator. Operating 24/7, the web app pulls and aggregates scientific information from thousands of sources, assigns a priority to each article, and networks them on all the leading social media, through RSS, and on our website at Every minute or two, breaking climate and environmental news is identified and shared globally. Over the past 6 months of operation, our usage on Twitter has grown 10 times, with hundreds of thousands of shares.

EcoInternet has felt called to resist authoritarian demagoguery and biosphere collapse by 24/7 broadcasting a constant flow of real climate and environmental science at (despite Twitter’s clear decline and role in fascism’s rise). And after decades of pioneering the use of the Internet for ecological conservation, much more is to come.

EcoInternet and predecessors have been networking information to protect rainforests and climate, as we promote equitable and just sustainable development, on the Internet since 1989. We were one of the first 10,000 sites on the web, amongst if the not the first blogger, and the research into use of the Internet for ecological sustainability was the basis of my PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Over the years our efforts have been supported by Google, the MacArthur Foundation, and called visionary by Utne Reader and others.

Our web sites had not been updated since 2007, and we have chosen to use open-source tools to save money and allow for greater innovation. We have moved to Linux services in the AWS cloud, cutting our expenses by 400%. And we are busy programming in Python and Spark (big data) new action alerts and search engines. The new ecological alert platform is nearly ready to go, we need to raise $5,000 for some financial assistance for some last programming tasks, and it will then launch.

Over nearly three decades EcoInternet’s network has had a hand in protecting more rainforests than perhaps any other. We have pioneered Internet based advocacy for Earth, the first to provide ecological blogging, search engines, GIS maps, action alerts, and reviewed newsfeeds. And we are just getting started, prepared to capitalize upon a window of opportunity to use data science, machine learning, big data, and artificial intelligence to promote a global ecology ethic sufficient to sustain our one shared biosphere.

EcoInternet is far along in developing and testing new big data tools not yet applied to ecological science and advocacy. We seek to catalogue and make fully searchable the full body of credible ecological scientific information and grassroots environmental advocacy action. We are actively building web applications to promote sustainable agriculture and climate resilience using the latest data science techniques. I have been mastering these tools in my day job within the Fintech industry, and we are close to achieving these goals.

My deep ecology essay writing warning of global ecological catastrophe and proposing sufficient solutions continues to draw positive feedback and a wide readership. We are saddened to see our decades long ecological and political warnings come to pass, yet heartened at the increased receptivity of the public to deep ecology messages as water, land, air, seas, and liberty are clearly in decline.

Perhaps there are stores of resiliency in the Earth System that are leading to long lag times before biosphere collapse is imminent and unavoidable. We must continue to build an ecology ethic until the very end.

EcoInternet is in it for the long haul. Our nearly completed retooling of current web offerings and continued visionary application of IT to ecology protections need your support. Please donate now at .

Warm regards,

Dr. Glen Barry

P.S. Your money will be used to pay for cloud computing resources and computer programmers. Period.